Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Web 2.0 Tools Clean House

Does anyone else feel like their web tools are in too many places?

As I've been learning, I've used different resources for collecting my tools and links. Since I began working on my UAS classes, I've used Diigo, Google Docs, Google Notebook, Blogger, my computer bookmarks, and word documents. In many ways, it seems like I've been the winner of a web-tool shopping spree and I've been filling my basket as quickly as possible. The shopping spree has lasted for a few years, and now I don't really know what's in my basket.

The good part is that I have a new place to put my items. I'm digging through my cart and finding lots of good things I want to keep. My storage area is at Google Sites, EdTechTools2Use.

The shopping spree picture is by Emerald2810 at

Friday, February 20, 2009

Week 6 - Podcasting

n my classroom, I’ve mainly used GarageBand to create audio for
digital stories or to create audio for electronic portfolios. I
haven’t tried to do any recurring podcasts, such as regularly
scheduled news report, but I think it would be an excellent project

What caught my interest, was the number of podcasts that could be
used as primary sources for research. My class is working on a history
project right now, and as a result of this assignment, I’ve discovered
there many excellent audio/podcast resources. When I assigned the
history project five weeks ago, I didn’t require them to find an audio
resource, but after investigating this topic, I think we need to do an
add-on to our original assignment.

The following list includes some of the podcasts and other audio
resources that would be suitable for my 6th grade students:
Alaskool “Online materials about Alaska Native history, education,
languages, and cultures.”
Primary Source Materials: Moving Images and Sound Recordings Library of Congress
This link has many suggestions for using primary resources, and it has
many links for audio resources. The Red Planet is Not a Dead Planet
This title is one example of the amazing space exploration resource
available at NASA. This site has podcasts, in English and in Spanish,
for NASA’s news releases.
This site has an incredible wealth of current event and historical
podcasts. The topics are comprehensive. An example description
includes: “A place where tears are dried.” Interview: Adapting an
Israeli model for helping orphans, Anne Heyman is leading efforts to
create a youth village for Rwandan orphans. She discusses the
inspiration for the project and how she has managed to make it a

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Google Calendar Screencast

About a month ago, I began using Google Calendar for my lesson plans. I've used several different electronic calendars, including iCal and Entourage, and so far, Google Calendar has been the easiest and most portable planning/productivity tool that I've used. This screencast, created using Jing software, shows some of the features that have been very useful to me as a 6th grade teacher.

Warning: This screencast a minute to load on my computer. I should have saved a smaller file, but as it is now, I'm unable to change the formatting. Thanks for your patience.